Structure and Function of Plant Stem Tissue

Generally, all plants that you see has a stem that stands up straight on the soil to support branches, leaves, and flowers. The place where the leaves and shoots attached in the stem are called knuckle (nodes) and the area between two knuckles are called segment (internodes).

The anatomy of the stem in monocot plants is different with dicot plants. Both of them has a unique characteristic that makes them different.

When we slice the plant stem (transverse slices), we can see all tissues that composing the plant stem.

The outer tissue of plant stem is epidermis. In the adult dicot plants, the epidermis will be broken and replaced by the periderm (sponge tissue). Periderm has a two cambium that is sponge cambium and felogen. The felogen will be dividing in the outer direction to form feloderm.

Under the epidermis layer, there is a cortex. Cortex is an area in the stem that composed of parenchyma tissue. In dicot plants, the deepest layer of the cortex is called endodermis. Usually, endodermis is consist of cells that contain amylum.

Different with roots, the endodermis and pericambium in the stem are cannot be seen or differentiate clearly. In the monocot plants, there is no endodermis tissue.

The deepest part of the stem is a central cylinder or stele. The stele is consist of the part, that is:
1. Pericambium
2. Transport tissue
3. The pith tissue

In dicot plants, the transport tissue arranged together to form a circular structure. Dicot plant has an opened collateral type of the transport tissue ((The xylem is flanked by outside and inside phloem)

The transport tissues in the monocot plants are arranged spreadly and have closed collateral type (there is no other tissue between xylem and phloem).

As you know that xylem is a tissue that has a function to bring water and mineral salts from roots to the leaves. The water is then used in the photosynthesis process. xylem is composed of many kinds of cells such as a fiber cell and the transport tissue formers cell. The xylem cell will also thicken so besides has a function as a transport tissue, xylem is also acted as a supporting tissue.

While the phloem has a function to bring the results of photosynthesis from leaves to all part of the plant body.

In the center of the stem, there is a pith tissue.

In dicot plants, phloem and xylem are separated by the cambium. Cambium tissues have properties to always divide to the outer side and caused the stem of the plant become bigger.

Did you know about the year circle in the plant stems? This year circles are formed by the cell division activity in the cambium tissue.

Besides has a function to support the plant body, the stem also has a function to directing the leaves position so they can get more sunlight. Sunlight is a source of energy that used by plants to do the photosynthesis process. This is really important because if the leaves do not get enough sunlight, they cannot do a photosynthesis process. Which mean that the plant cannot make their own food so it will interrupt their growth and develop.

Some stem also has an additional function, such as the stem of turmeric, potatoes or cane that used their stem to store food reserves.
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