Structure and Function of Plant Leaves Tissue

Leaves is a plant organ that attached to the stem. Leaves have a function as a place where the photosynthesis process occurred. Every plant has a unique form, size, and color of the leaves that make them different with other plants.

Structure of Plant Leaves
To understand about leaves structure, please see the picture below!
The top and bottom layer of the leaves are called epidermis (same as other organs of the plant that the outer layer is also composed of epidermis tissue). The epidermis tissue is also has a function to protect the other tissue that exists on the inside of the leaves.

In some plants, the leaves are also covered by cuticle/wax layer so the evaporation of water from inside of the leaves can be inhibited or become fewer.

Epidermis tissue is composed of one layer of the cells where the cell walls experiencing thickening to form cuticle layer. This cuticle layer is usually made of chitin or lignin.

The oxygen gas is then released into the environment through the stomata. Hydrogen gas will be used again by the plant in the dark reaction of the photosynthesis process.

What is the importance of the photosynthesis by plants and also other living organisms?

Photosynthesis has a role in provide food not just for the plant itself but also for another organism. The photosynthetic organism is used carbon dioxide to produce oxygen gas that used by other non-photosynthetic such as humans and animals to breathe and produce energy.

About 90% of the oxygen that exists in the atmosphere is produced by photosynthesis process in the plant leaves. So, you can imagine how important the photosynthesis process fo lives on the earth.

In some plants, epidermis tissue is modified become many other forms such as stomata, trichomes, and fan cell so they have an additional function.

Stomata is a gap where the air(gas) enters and out from the leaves. Stomata can be found easily on the surface of the leaves. Stomata is composed of one hole flanked by two cover cell.

Under the epidermis tissue, we can find the mesophyll tissues, which it is one type of the parenchyma tissue (basic tissue). Mesophyll is located between the top and the bottom of epidermis tissue.

Mesophyll is differentiated become two parenchyma tissue, that is:

  1. Palisade parenchyma or pole tissue. This tissue is composed of cylinder shape cells and contains many chloroplasts.
  2. Spongy parenchyma. This tissue is composed of irregular shape cells, tenuous arrangement, and contain little chloroplast.

Mesophyll in monocot plant not differentiated become pole tissue and spongy tissue, but the mesophyll is composed of many parenchyma cells that has a same structure and size.

Under the mesophyll, we can find the complex structure of the transport tissue. This transport tissue and then form the bone of the leaves. The transport tissue in the leaves also consists of xylem and phloem.

Xylem has a function to bring water and mineral salts from roots to the leaves and the phloem has a function to bring the result of photosynthesis from leaves to all part of the plant body.

Leaves is a plant organ where the photosynthesis process take place. Same with the cooking process to make delicious food, the photosynthesis process also needs some ingredients. The ingredients that needed in photosynthesis process are water molecules and carbon dioxide. The photosynthesis process will produce glucose (sugar molecule) as a source of food that used by the plant to growth and develop and oxygen gas that released partially to the environment.

Chemically, the photosynthesis process can be written in the reaction below:
6CO2 (Carbon dioxide) + 6H2O ======> C6H12O6 (Glucose) + O2

The photosynthesis process is taking place in two-step: light reaction and dark reaction.

The light reaction is mean that the reaction that happens in this process needs the light so the reaction can take place. Light is used as a source of energy in the photosynthesis process and it absorbs by chlorophyll that exists in the leaves. The light energy will be used to breaks the water molecule becomes two molecules of oxygen and hydrogen.
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