Disorders of the Human Motion System

1. Rickettsia
Rickettsia is a disorder caused by vitamin D deficiency. In the body, vitamin D has a function to help the absorption of calcium and phosphorus (substances that make bones become hard and strong). If we lack vitamin D, then the process of bone hardening can be disrupted.

Generally, this disorder occurs in children. Rickettsia causes the leg bones to grow bend (see picture below).
Healing and prevention of this disorder are to increase the intake of calcium, phosphorus and vitamin D into the daily diet. Vitamin D can be obtained through food or supplements.

A person who is 1-70 years old requires vitamin D as much as 15 mg/day. A person over the age of 70 years requires more vitamin D that is 20 mg/day.

One way we can do to get enough vitamin D is to bask in the morning sun. Sunlight can activate the provitamin D in the body and convert it into vitamin D. We do not need to bask in the light for too long, just 10-15 minutes.

Active vitamin D can increase the absorption of calcium and phosphorus in the body so it will increase the amount of calcium and phosphorus in the blood. Calcium and phosphorus in the blood can help the process of hardening the bones become more perfect.

2. Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease caused by the body lack of calcium. Osteoporosis generally occurs in adults. In an elderly person, the resulting hormone has begun to decrease so that osteoblasts as bone-forming cells become inactive. As a result, bone mass will decrease so bones become brittle and break easily.

3. Fractures
Although strong and supple, the bones in the body can also be broken. One culprit is because the bone has a hard collision, for example when falling from a high place or a car accident.

There are two common types of fractures - closed fractures and open fractures.

A closed fracture occurs when a broken part of the bone does not penetrate the skin. Conversely, if the broken end of the bone breaks through and rips the skin, it is called an open fracture.

4. Arthritis
Arthritis is a disease of the joints. Patients with this disease have cartilage in the damaged joints. This damage causes the joint to become sore and bent. Sometimes, joints affected by arthritis disease cannot be moved.

The cause of arthritis in the joints is not known with certainty. Avoiding acute infection and eating a balanced diet can reduce the occurrence of arthritis.

5. Lordosis, Kyphosis, and Scoliosis.
Normal humans have a curved spine in some parts. At the chest, the human spine forms a convex curve facing backward. Meanwhile, at the waist, the curvature of the spine is facing forward.

The spine may develop abnormalities, which are as follows:

a. Lordosis
Lordosis is a disorder with an excessive bend curve toward the front at the waist. People who experience this disorder, his waist looks prominent forward. Lordosis can be caused by an overwhelming patient's stomach (eg during pregnancy or overweight), rickettsia or due to improper sitting habits.

b. Kyphosis
Kifosis is a disorder with an excess of spinal curvature in the chest. This causes the kyphosis patient to appear hunched.
Kyphosis can be caused by tuberculosis or rickettsia or due to improper sitting habits.

c. Scoliosis

Scoliosis is a disorder in which the spine curves to the side (left or right). Scoliosis can be caused due to polio disease or wrong sitting habits.
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