Benefits and Dangers of Virus for Humans

Virus Benefits to Human Life
1. Producing Vaccines

  • Vaccines are pathogens that have been weakened so it is not to harm the human body.
  • Some viruses are often used to make vaccines.
  • Vaccines will stimulate the human body to produce antibodies that are tasked to weaken and kill pathogens.
  • If someday, the human body gets the same pathogen attack and causes disease, then the human immune system can instantly recognize the pathogen and instruct antibodies against it.
  • If the human immune system has not yet recognized the pathogens that enter the body, then the body takes longer to produce antibodies. This resulted in the process of healing the disease becomes longer.

2. Making Antitoxin

  • Antitoxins can be made by combining viral DNA with a beneficial gene. The human gene is one of the beneficial genes because it can control the production of antitoxin.
  • Viruses will still infect bacteria as a way to reproduce.
  • If by a virus, human DNA is connected to bacterial DNA, then the bacterial cell will contain the human genes that can produce antitoxin.
  • Bacterial cells will continue to divide. Each new bacterium produced, certainly contains antitoxin produced by human DNA.
  • Antitoxin in these bacteria can be separated and used to fight disease in humans.

The Danger of Viruses to Humans
Viruses can cause various diseases in humans, including:
1. Influenza

  • Influenza viruses are round shape virus.
  • This virus causes influenza disease. Signs of people infected with the influenza virus are: (1) a runny nose (2) increased body temperature (3) fever (4) muscle pain (5) decreased appetite.
  • Influenza viruses attack the upper respiratory tract.
  • There are about 190 types of influenza virus.
  • This virus can be prevented by increasing the immune system, healthy living, exercise enough and regular, consuming lots of fruits and vegetables, especially those containing vitamin C.

2. Smallpox

  • Smallpox virus is shaped like a bricklayer that has two membranes.
  • This virus has a double ribbon DNA core containing protein.
  • The virus is resistant to drought so easily contagious.
  • Smallpox virus can infect humans through the upper respiratory tract and enter the bloodstream. That way, the virus will spread to all parts of the body.
  • The virus eventually settles inside the human skin and causes the onset of nodules.
  • If ruptured, these nodules will cause infection wounds on the human skin.
  • Smallpox virus has an incubation period of 12-16 days.
  • Symptoms that arise when a person infected with smallpox virus is often changing body temperature, fever, lethargy, shivering, headache, and backache.
  • Smallpox virus can be transmitted through direct contact with people with smallpox or objects contaminated with smallpox viri such as towels, blankets, clothes, and others.
  • To prevent smallpox, a person usually has been given smallpox vaccine since childhood.


  •  Symptoms caused if a person infected with poliovirus is high fever, drowsiness, sore throat, nausea, vomiting, headache, and spine and neck feels stiff.
  • If this virus attacks the membranes of the brain and damages the brain's nerve cells, it can cause paralysis.
  • The source of the virus comes from the digestive tract of people with polio.
  • Viruses can be infected through the feces of people infected with polio. If the food we consume is contaminated with poliovirus from the patient's stool, then we will also be infected.
  • The period of poliovirus between 3-35 days.
  • Polio disease can be broken down by giving polio vaccine.

4. Herpes Zoster

  • Herpes zoster is caused by Varicella virus attack. This virus attacks the sensory nerves of the body. This disease is better known as chickenpox.
  • In children, virus attacks only cause mild disease, but if it attacks adults, the danger is fatal and can cause death.
  • Symptoms of infection: high fever and arising nodules on the skin surface.
  • Varicella infects the upper respiratory tract, then stops through the blood and stops inside the skin. The incubation period of this virus between 14-16 days.
  • This viral infection occurs along the infected sensory nerves. If the virus infects the spinal cord, it can cause paralysis.

5. Rabies

  • Rabies is often called "mad dog disease".
  • The rabies virus attacks the central nervous system of the patient.
  • This virus infects all hot-blooded animals like dogs, cats, and wolves.
  • Transmission to humans is through the bite of an infected animal.
  • Incubation mass of this virus is 10-14 days.
  • The symptoms are hydrophobia (fear of water), headache, laughter without cause, fever, nervousness, and paralysis.
  • Treatment of rabies disease can be done with the provision of rabies vaccine.
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