Red Algae

General characteristics:
Red algae is a class of Rodhophyceae, Rhodophycota plant division. Called "red algae" because these algae have a red body color. This red color is caused by a red pigment called phycoerythrin, contained within its cells.

Most red algae species live in seawater. Red algae that live in fresh water can be found in rivers with strong and cold water streams.

In addition to the red, other red algae species are also found in various colors such as brown and purple. Porphyra is a species of black algae and Bangia has no color at all.

These varied colors appear as a result of the blue pigment, phycocyanin, in red algae cells. A comparison of the amounts between phycoerythrin and phycocyanin will create a different color of the red algae.

Red algae are multicellular plants (composed of many cells).
The body structure is in the form of filaments, ribbons or sheets. The length of his body varies between 1/3 m or more.

Almost all red algae species that live in the sea attach their lower body to the solid part of the seabed. They are attached to corals or stones with special adhesive tools.

In all species of red algae, a rotation takes place. Spores or genital cells are not supplemented by flagella. Male sex cells will float in the water and if in contact with the female ovum, then there will be conception.

Uses Of Red Algae
10. Red alga is a source of food for fish and other marine animals. Humans also commonly consume several types of red algae such as Chondrus crispus (Irish moss) and several species of the Porphyra genus.

The Irish moss is also used as a tanner, raw material for making shoe polish, beige and shampoo.

Gracilaria lichenoides is a red algae species that produce gelatin. This substance can absorb water in large quantities. When processed (boiled), the gelatin contained in the algae will come out and if cooled, the gelatin will solidify.

Gelatin is often used by biologists as a medium to breed bacteria.

Gelatin from Gracilaria lichenoides is also often used to:
1. Thicken the soup.
2. Textile adhesive material.
3. Purgative.
4. The ingredients of cookies, snacks and ice cream.
5. As well as other ingredients.

Some red algae can remove the limestone used by coral reefs to grow. Red algae play a role in creating coral reefs in the oceans. It is estimated, this role has occurred at the time of the formation of the earth in the past mass.
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