Types of Bones In Human Skeleton System

There are so many bones in our body. These bones can be grouped into several types based on certain characteristics.

The first features are of the shape of the bone. Based on its shape, the bones in the human skeleton system can be grouped into pipe bones, flat bones, and short bones.

Pipe Bone
Pipe bone is tube shape, hollow, and elongated. Upper arm bone, femur, calf bone are some examples of pipe bones that exist in the human body. The pipe bone consists of three parts-epiphysis, diaphyses, and epiphyseal discs.

The epiphysis is present at both ends of the pipe bone and is composed of cartilage. Diaphysis is the center of the pipe bone. Diaphysis has a cavity in which there is bone marrow. There are two types of human bone marrow-red marrow and yellow marrow.

Red marrow serves to form red blood cells and yellow marrow in charge of forming fat cells.

Flat bone
The flat bone has a thin shape (flat) and the surface is wide. Flat bone is composed of two plates of the compact bone plate and sponge bone plate. Between the two plates, there is a red bone marrow. The bones of the skull, facial bone, breastbone, ribs, and shoulder blades are examples of flat bones.

Short Bones
Short bone shaped like a cube or round. The short bone also contains a red bone marrow, functioning to form red blood cells and white blood cells. Wrist bone, ankle bone, kneecap bone, vertebrae segments are examples of short bones.

The second distinguishing feature is based on the bone matrix (cavity). Based on the matrix, bone can be divided into two types.

Compact bone
Compact bones are bones that are solid, hard and have no gaps in them. Compact bone contains a lot of calcium and phosphate minerals, making bones hard (but not rigid and not easily broken).

Compact bone consists of havers systems. Compact bone can be found on the pipe bone.

Spongy Bone
The spongy bone has a cavity or a matrix within its structure. The cavity makes the spongy bone light. Spongy bones do not have havers systems. Spongy bones can be found in flat bones and short bones.

The third distinguishing feature is based on the bone's physical properties. Based on the physical nature, bone is distinguished two types.

Cartilage is composed of fibers containing many collagen. This collagen is embedded in a bone matrix. Calogen makes cartilage becomes elastic and not easily broken. Cartilage can be found in the ear bone and nasal bone.

Cartilage is also present on all ends of the bone. Cartilage has an important function in the movement of the bones. Cartilage serves as a lubricant that facilitates bone that one moves over another bone.

Cartilage is protected by the perichondrium membrane so it is not easily damaged. If the cartilage is damaged, then the human body will be difficult to move.

The cartilage cells are formed by Chondroblast. Chondroblast charge of forming cartilage cells (chondrocytes).

Bone Hard (Osteon)
Hard bones are composed of proteins, collagen, calcium, and phosphorus. Calcium and phosphorus are minerals that make bones hard and not easily broken. Tulangkeras wrapped by a membrane called periosteum.

Hard bones are formed from osteoblasts. Osteoblasts have the function of forming hard bone cells called osteocytes.

In hard bones, there are Havers systems. The Havers system is a unity consisting of bone and matrix cells, which surround a blood vessel and nerves. In the Havers system, there is a concentric lamella, which is the circles of blood vessels and nerve cells.

In the concentric lamella, there is a cavity in which the bone cells are located. The cavity in which bone cells reside is called lacuna. Between one lacuna with the other lacuna is connected by a small channel called canaliculus.

Canaliculus serves as the nutritional intake required by bone cells to grow. This channel is composed of blood vessels and nerve cells.

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