Human Respiratory Organs

Breathing is related to the provision of energy in the body. Simply put, breathing is an act of inhaling oxygen and releasing carbon dioxide. Oxygen is required in the process of burning (metabolism) of food substances in the body to produce energy.

Humans breathe using the respiratory organs of the nose, pharynx, larynx (larynx), throat (trachea), bronchial, bronchioles and alveoli found in the lungs.

Let's look at the function of each human respiratory organ.

1. Nose Cavities (Cavum nasals)
The respiratory tract which is directly related to the outside air is the nose. The nose is composed of bone and has two cavities. Each cavity is separated by a septum. In the human nose, there are hairs that serve to filter air respiration.
In addition, the nose also has a mucous membrane (mucosa) which functions to warm and moisturize air respiration to fit the body temperature. This mucus also contains leukocytes that can kill germs that enter with air respiration.

2. Faring 
The pharynx is located behind the nasal cavity and the mouth. The pharynx is composed of striated muscles. The adult pharynx is approximately 4 cm. The pharyngeal function is as the airways when we breathe and the digestive tract when we eat.

3. The base of the throat
The larynx consists of cartilage fragments that form Adam's apple. In the larynx, there is a valve called the epiglottis. This valve serves to regulate food and air to pass through their respective channels.

In the larynx, there is also the vocal cords that are the organs of producing sound in humans.

4. Throat (Trachea)
The trachea is a breathing channel that extends from the base of the oral cavity to the chest cavity. The trachea connects the nasal cavity and oral cavity to the lungs. The tracheal wall is made of bracelets made of cartilage. In it, there are vibration hair cells that serve to remove the dirt that comes with the air respiration.

5. Throat Branch (Bronchus)
The windpipe will branch both rights and left. Each branch will empty into the lungs. This throat is called the bronchus. The length is approximately 5 cm with a diameter of 11 - 13 mm.

The bronchus will then branch again as much as 20 - 25 branches called the bronchioles. At the end of the bronchioles, there are alveoli shaped like grapes.

6. Lungs
The lungs are located inside the chest cavity and consist of two parts of the right lung and left lung. The right lung has three waves (lobes), while the left lung has two waves. On the outside of the lungs, there are two layers of lining wrapping the lungs called pleura.
In the pleura, there is a liquid that serves to protect the lungs from friction when expanding and deflating.

At the end of the bronchioles, there are bubbles called alveolus. An alveolus is a place of exchange of oxygen gas and carbon dioxide by diffusion. Hence the alveolus has a very elastic wall and contains many blood capillaries.
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