Biography of Alexander Graham Bell - The Inventor Of The World First Telephone

A telephone is a communication tool used by almost everyone. With the phone, we can communicate with others who are very far from us. Even now, the phone has evolved into various types and has a very sophisticated technology. Some people say they can not even live without a phone. That's how important the phone is today.

Do you know who is instrumental in finding a telephone? Yes, you are right. He is Alexander Graham Bell, inventor of the world's the first telephone. Starting from the telephone found by Alexander Graham Bell, we can use the super sophisticated phone as it is now.

This article will provide brief information about Alexander Graham Bell, the inventor of the world's the first telephone.

Alexander Graham Bell was born in Edinburgh, Scotland on March 3, 1847. His father was named Alexander Melville Bell. As a child, Bell already has a great curiosity about the environment. This is evidenced by his habit of collecting plant samples.

But Bell is not a genius kid at school. Nevertheless, the Bell family has always been supportive for his son to go well with science. In those days, people with extensive knowledge were greatly appreciated.

Bell received an education from the University of Edinburgh and London. Then he moved to Canada in 1870 to avoid an outbreak of infectious tuberculosis in Edinburgh, Scotland.

In 1871, Bell moved back to the United States. There, he began teaching the dumb and deaf to speak using a system called "visual language." Bell is the person who popularized the technique. This system was actually developed by his father. By using visual language, people who are dumb and deaf are trained to use lips, tongue, and throat to describe the sound.

Since the age of 18, Bell has been researching the idea of how to transmit and transmit voice and speech. In 1874, Bell developed his research on telephones from the workings of the telegraph. A year later, along with his assistant, Thomas A. Watson, he managed to create a device that could recognize sounds. With Watson, on March 10, 1876, he managed to send a voice.

Bell's first phone was recognized and granted a patent on March 7, 1876. He then performed many demonstrations on how to use the phone. On July 9, 1877, Alexander Graham Bell established a telephone company called "Bell Telephone Company".

Because of Bell's services in technology, the French government awarded him the Volta Prize award in 1880. The prize in the form of money was used by Bell to build the Volta Laboratory in Washington, USA.

After the invention of the first telephone, Bell continued to research and develop in the field of communications. The peak is when he managed to find a tool called the Photophone. This tool can transmit sound using light waves.

In addition, Bell was also working to conduct medical research. He found out how to get deaf people to communicate with each other using a tool called Audiometer. This tool serves to measure one's hearing rate.

During his lifetime, there are about 18 Bell inventions that have been recognized and awarded patents on his own behalf. While 12 other inventions patented on behalf of him and his friends. He is also the founder of the Bell Telephone company.

Thanks to Bell's services, the US government allowed the company to build a local call center throughout the US state capital.

The AT & T company was founded in 1885 to be merged with a company owned by Bell. The two companies' logos are then merged into "The Bell System: AT & T and Associated Companies".

Bell and his wife also own a 15% stake in AT & T. But Bell was not very good at business so they sold their shares in AT & T for $ 250 per share. They know that AT & T shares will go up to $ 1000 per share, but they do not regret selling their shares.

In 1888, Alexander Graham Bell founded the National Geography Institute in the US. He died at Baddeck, on 22 August 1922.

Starting from Bell's invention, the telephone line can grow rapidly. Not only used to communicate, the phone can now be used for various things, as we feel now. The phone is a must have for everyone.
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