Alfred Nobel Biography - Nobel Prize And Inventor of Dynamit

Alfred Bernhard Nobel is a Swedish chemist, engineer, and businessman. He is also the inventor of dynamite, an explosive device widely used in the mining industry. Alfred was born on 21 October 1883 in Stockholm, Sweden. His father is Immanuel Nobel and his mother is Andriette Ahlsell Nobel.

Alfred's father worked as an engineer and inventor. He works to build bridges, buildings and likes to do different kinds of experiments to blow rocks.

Alfred has two older brothers, Rober (born 1829) and Ludvig (born 1831). When Alfred was born, his father's business was lost and then closed. In order to keep his family and children alive, Alfred's father moved to Finland and Russia.

Alfred's mother did not come with her husband and stayed in Stockholm to take care of her children. Being from a wealthy family, Alred's father was able to open a grocery store in Russia. In this country, his father's business is again growing and can earn enough money to support his family.

In Russia, precisely in the city of St.Petersburg, Alfred's father business is progressing. He has opened a machine shop supplying war equipment for Russian soldiers. He also succeeded in persuading high-ranking Russian military officials that landmines were very effective at blocking enemy ships attacking St.Petersburg.

Alfred's father's mines were later used by Russia to drive the British Royal Navy vessels attempting to attack St.Petersburg.

Succeeding in Russia, Alfred's father then took his entire family to St.Petersburg. They moved in 1842. A year later, Mrs. Alfred gave birth to a boy named Emil.

All the children of Immanuel Nobel received education from private tutors. They receive various subjects such as natural sciences, languages, and literature. At the age of 17, Alfred can speak and write in many languages ​such as Swedish, Russian, French, English, and German.

Alfred is very interested in language and literature, chemistry and physics. But his father wanted Alfred to be an engineer. Therefore, his father sent Alfred to study chemistry abroad, so that someday he could become a chemical engineer, like his father.

In Paris, Alfred worked in T.J Pelouze's private laboratory, a renowned scientist. There, Alfred met with the Italian chemist, Ascanio Sobrero. After three years, Sobrero manages to find nitroglycerin, a high-explosive liquid and considered too dangerous to use.

However, Alfred is very interested in nitroglycerin. He returned to Russia and with his father, he developed nitroglycerin as a commercial and technical useful explosive.

After the war between Russia and Britain ended, Alfred's father's business returned to lethargy and eventually they decided to return to Sweden. However, Alfred's siblings, Robert and Ludvig remained in Russia to try to manage his father's relics. They were both finally successful in the oil industry in the south of Russia.

After returning to Sweden in 1863, Alfred decided to develop nitroglycerin as an explosive. He did a lot of experiments and one of his experiments failed. Nitroglycerin exploded violently and killed several people including his younger brother, Emil.

Despite failing on previous trials, Alfred did not stop and kept trying. He continues his experiments on a barge over Lake Malaren, to be more secure and harmless to others. Through a series of experiments conducted, he managed to make explosives made from nitroglycerin. Alfred mixes nitroglycerin with Kieselguhr's fine soil, which will convert the liquid into a moldable paste.

This paste is then inserted into the tubes and is axed as a trigger for the explosion. This discovery occurred in 1866. Alfred obtained a patent in 1867 for the discovery of explosives. This explosive is called dynamite.

Dynamite is then used in many constructions works such as drilling, rock blasting, bridge construction and so on. Dynamite makes construction work faster and more efficient.

To produce dynamite in large quantities, Alfred Nobel builds plants in more than 90 places in Europe. Alfred chose to live in Paris, but he had to travel to various countries to review his dynamite factory.

Besides making dynamite, Alfred also makes rubber, leather, synthetic silk, ballistic, artificial gemstones and others. Total, Alfred has earned 355 patents for his findings in various fields. This made Alfred one of the richest men in Europe at the time.

Alfred Nobel died in San Remo, Italy, on 10 December 1896. In his last will, Alfred wants some of his wealth to be given to scientists and inventors who have contributed to physics, chemistry, literature, peace, physiology, and medicine. The prize is then known as the Nobel Prize and is given annually to the scientists.
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