Biography of Albert Einstein

Albert Einstein was born on March 14, 1879, in Ulm, Germany. His father was Hermann Einstein and his mother was Pauline Koch. A year after Albert Einstein was born, he and his family moved to Munich. In this town, his father and uncle work together to open an electrochemical store.

As a child, Einstein was a very shy child. His hobbies are reading books and doing simple experiments in his personal laboratory. His father built this lab for him.

Usually, an intelligent child is very bad at music or sports. But Einstein liked music. His passion for music he got from his mother. Her mother is very good at playing Piano. However, Einstein did not learn to play the piano, but the violin. In sports, the only thing he likes is sailing.

Einstein was interested in physics when his father gave him a compass when he was five years old. He was amazed at the ability of the compass in pointing direction by using a magnetic field.

In 1895, Einstein followed a test for entry into the art department at the Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule, in Zurich, Switzerland. But he failed and had to return to his home to finish high school. In 1896, Einstein graduated from high school.

Einstein graduated in 1900. Right after he graduated, Einstein got a job as a lecturer at the Eidgenssische Technische Hochschule, a college that once rejected him. Having to teach at the University, Einstein moved to Switzerland and a year later he officially became a Swiss citizen.

In 1902, Einstein got another job as an Examining Assistant at the Swiss Patent Office. In this office, he is in charge of assessing every patent filed by inventors, especially patents that require physics. Two years later, Einstein became a full-time employee in this office.

Einstein married Mileva, a mathematician on January 6, 1903. From this marriage was born their first child named Hans Albert Einstein, on May 14, 1904.

In the same year as the birth of his son, Einstein wrote four articles that provide the foundation for modern physics. He wrote the article without referring to many sources and without discussing with other scientists.

In 1905, Albert Einstein earned his doctorate from the University of Zurich after completing his thesis entitled "On a New Determination of Molecular Dimensions".

Many physicists agree that the other three theses made by Einstein such as Brownian motion, the photoelectric effect, and special relativity deserve the Nobel Prize. However, only a thesis on the photoelectric effect was awarded the Nobel Prize.

The theses made by Einstein are extraordinary. Other scientists were impressed with Einstein's ability to reveal a science. He also managed to explain experiments that were previously very confusing and have not known the answer for decades.

In 1905, the science magazine Annalen der Physik carried four Einstein's works on Theory of Relativity. This publication immediately invited controversy and debate among scientists. One of the ideas of the published paper has been on Einstein's mind since he was 16 years old.

In 1909, Einstein was appointed professor at the University of Zurich and five years later he successfully completed the Theory of Relativity.

When World War II took place, Einstein chose to move to America along with his family. He left Germany and Switzerland for fear that his teaching and research activities were interrupted by Nazi soldiers led by Adolf Hitler. In 1941, Einstein officially became an American citizen.

A few years later, Albert Einstein was offered the second president of Israel. But he refused on the grounds of not having competence in the field of government.

In America, Albert Einstein succeeded in formulating the formula E = mc ^ 2, which is very famous until now. He says that the energy produced is directly proportional to the mass. This formula has been widely used in various fields.

Albert Einstein and several scientists once wrote a letter to the US president, Franklin D. Roosevelt, who said that atomic energy can be a major energy source.

Unfortunately, Julius Robert Oppenheimer uses the formula as the basis for making the world's first atomic bomb. The atomic bombing was made on the orders of the US president and needed about two billion dollars.

The atomic bomb-making project is known as the "Manhattan Project" and is supported by other famous scientists such as Niels Bohr and Richard Feynman. Niels Bohr fled to America for fear of being told by Hitler to make an atomic bomb for Germany.

From the Manhattan project, two atomic bombs were used by the Americans to bomb Japan, precisely in the cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. The incident took many lives. Even more than the victims of the Japanese bombing of Pearl Harbor, Hawaii.

Hearing his knowledge used to manufacture bombs, Einstein was very sad and disappointed. After the bombing, Einstein commented, "I must burn my hand for having written to Roosevelt".

However, Albert Einstein remained a respected and respected scientist in his time. Einstein became famous for his facial expressions, his shabby hair and his proposed theory of relativity.

Alber Einstein died at Marika on April 18, 1955.
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