Calcium carbonate

Calcium carbonate is the main source for obtaining calcium elements. Calcium carbonate exists in nature as a deposit of chalk, limestone, and marble. Calcium carbonate can be found almost in all parts of the earth.

Chalk formed in the ocean about 135 million years ago from calcium carbonate contained in the bones of marine organisms that have died.

Limestone is also formed in the ocean but as a precipitate of calcium carbonate.

Marble is formed when limestone deposits burn deep inside the earth's crust. The combination of heat and high pressure inside the earth's crust will make the limestone melt. Then, the melt of calcium carbonate will cool and harden again when pushed to the top of the earth's crust. This solid is much denser than limestone. This solid is then called marble.

Very pure calcium carbonate exists in two crystalline forms, calcite and Iceland spar. Iceland spar is a transparent variety of calcite, showing strong double refraction. Double refraction occurs because these crystals have two different refractive indices.

The caves are formed by limestone. The cave is formed when rainwater seeps into the limestone crevices. When it rains, the atmospheric carbon dioxide gets dissolved in the rain. Carbon dioxide dissolved in this rainwater will react with calcium carbonate from limestone, producing a solution of calcium hydrogen carbonate. This solution is then swept with the flow of water and leaving a hole in the limestone. Over time, the holes formed will enlarge and form a structure called the cave.

The solution of calcium hydrogen carbonate will then undergo evaporation. When the water from the calcium hydrogen carbonate solution evaporates, this compound will decompose back into carbon dioxide and carbonate calcium solids. This solid will then accumulate and form a structure called the stalagmite and stalactite. Stalagmites are formed when the solids of the carbonate calcium grow from the bottom of the cave. Whereas the stalactite is formed when the solid of carbonate cassava grows from the roof of the two. The combination of stalagmites and stalactites will create caves with beautiful shapes.

Preparation Calcium Carbonate 
There are two types of industrial-made calcium carbonate, heavy calcium carbonate, and light-type calcium carbonate.

Heavy calcium carbonate is made by crushing limestone into a fine powder. This fine powder is then filtered to obtain the desired powder size. After that, this fine calcium carbonate powder is ready to be marketed.

Calcium carbonate light type is made in different ways. The first step, limestone will be burned in a large furnace to convert calcium carbonate into calcium oxide. This combustion process will release carbon dioxide gas.

The next step, calcium oxide formed will be mixed with water and then stirred. This process will form calcium hydroxide compounds. The calcium oxide formed is then filtered off and separated from impurities.

The final step, calcium hydroxide will be reacted with carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate.

Calcium carbonate is also used as an antacid ( an ulcer drug). Calcium carbonate not only relieves stomach pain when a person suffers from an ulcer but also can provide a source of calcium minerals for the body. However, its use as an ulcer drug also has its drawbacks. The reaction of calcium carbonate with stomach acid will produce carbon dioxide gas.

Calcium carbonate is a food supplement that is often used to help increase bone mass.

In the form of lime powder (agricultural lime), calcium carbonate is added to agricultural soil to increase acidic acid pH.

Then, calcium carbonate powder is also used to reduce the harmful effects of acid rain on lake water. Usually, calcium carbonate powder will be spread in large quantities.

In addition to the utility of, calcium carbonate is also utilized by industry, such as:
1. Pulp and paper industry
2. Industrial tires of cars and motorcycles.
3. Paint industry.
4. Manufacture of PVC pipe manufacturing.
5. Manufacture of toothpaste.
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