The Role of the Decline of Freezing Point In Everyday Life

Ice cream
You know the basic difference between ice cream and ice cubes. The ice cubes are very hard and have no flavor. This is because ice cubes are just frozen water.

While the ice cream feels soft and delicious because it has a variety of flavors. Ice cream is made from ingredients such as sugar, milk, butter, flavors such as chocolate and vanilla and salt.

Do you know the function of salt on ice cream making?

The function of salt in the manufacture of ice cream is to lower the freezing point of ice cream so that ice cream does not freeze even if cold. This is what causes ice cream feels soft when eaten.

Car Radiator
Car Radiators can simply be interpreted as a tool to cool the car engine to work with the maximum. inside there is a cooling water that serves to absorb heat from the engine.

In cold regions, car radiator fluid often freezes so that its function does not work properly. If left, then the car engine will quickly break down.

To solve the problem, into the car radiator fluid is usually added ethylene glycol. Ethylene glycol is a substance that serves to lower the freezing point of the liquid in the radiator so it does not freeze at cold temperatures.

It can be said that ethylene glycol is an anti-freeze agent.

Anti-freeze In Poles Animal
We often hear many animals, especially fish that are able to live in polar regions, which have very low temperatures.

Tropical animals certainly will not be able to survive in temperatures as cold as the polar regions. They will soon become frozen animals!

But why are the polar animals able to survive even though the water temperature is very cold. The answer is because in their blood there are antifreeze substances.

The anti-freezers will lower the freezing point of their blood, so it does not freeze in the cold temperatures of the poles. In addition, they also have thick fur and fatty skin to help them maintain body temperature.

The anti-frozen substances contained in the fish body can prevent the formation of ice crystals in tissues and their cells. Therefore, these fish can swim freely in the cold ocean.

In addition to polar bears and fish, other animals that also have anti-frozen substances in the body are insects, amphibians, and nematodes.

Insect body contains glycerol and dimethyl sulfoxide as anti-freeze agent. Amphibians contain glucose and glycerol while nematodes contain glycerol and trehalose as anti-freezing agents.

Melt Snow
Snow has a negative impact when covering the streets. Vehicles such as cars and trucks will certainly not get through it and also increase the risk of accidents.

Cleaning the snow on the streets using a shovel is a tough job. The streets will again be covered with snow and workers have to repeat their work.

Therefore, to remove snow from the streets is used a mixture of kitchen salt (NaCl) and Calcium Chloride. Both of these substances serve to lower the freezing point of water so it does not freeze. The snow will melt by itself after added this substance.

Well, that's some application in everyday life that uses the principle of decreasing the freezing point of the solution.

With science, a difficult and seemingly impossible job will become easier. So, do not forget to continue to learn and seek knowledge wherever you are.

Hopefully this article useful. See you again in the next article!
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