Colloid In The Field Of Industry

Colloids have many uses in everyday life. The colloidal system can be applied in the fields of industry, food, pharmaceutical, and cosmetics. What are the uses of colloidal systems in the industry?

Here are the complete explanations!

Colloid in the Field of Industry
Many industrial products that are made involve the colloidal system. This product is very much we use in everyday life. What are the products? And how does colloid get involved in making it?

To get the answer, read the explanation below.

In the rubber making industry, colloids are used as the base material of rubber latex. The rubber latex is a soles colloid (a solid dispersed in a liquid). The solid is a natural rubber particle with a chemical formula (C5H8) x.

Natural rubber is a giant organic molecule or often also called a polymer. Natural rubber as a polymer is composed of monomers called isoprene (C5H8). Each isoprene molecule bonds together to form a long carbon chain. This bond is formed by addition reactions.

Rubber is obtained by coagulating rubber latex using formic acid (HCOOH) or acetic acid (CH3COOH). Both of these acids will cause the rubber to clot form solids so they can be separated from the dispersing medium.

Rubber clumps will then be milled and washed to form sheets called sheets.

If the object to be made is a balloon or foam rubber, then the rubber sap is left in liquid form. This liquid rubber sap is called latex and is a colloidal type of sol.

As you know, the colloidal system is only stable for some time. Then, the dispersing medium and its dispersed phase will separate. In order for the latex not to separate, then added ammonia (NH4OH). Ammonia has a function to prevent the latex from clumping.

Paint is a solvent-type colloid, where the solid particles are dispersed in a liquid solvent. The solid particles in the paint are:
1. Color pigments
2. Metal oxide
3. Stabilizers
4. Preservatives
5. Slimming agent
6. Reducing agents

All of the solids are presumed to be sized like colloidal particles. In order for the paint does not clot, into it added an emulsifier. The emulsifying agent added depends on the type of solvent used. There are two types of solvents commonly used to make paint, namely:
1. Polar solvents such as water and alcohol
2. Non-polar solvents such as oil

The dye on the paint can fade if exposed to heat. In order for that does not happen, to the paint added protective substance. The protective agent will keep the dyestuff in the paint from the heat of the sun or the chemicals that come into contact with it.

Bleaching Sugar
Sugar made from sugarcane usually contains impurities. This impurity will make brown sugar. However, the sugar can be bleached by using colloidal particles.

The colloidal particles used are activated carbon. Brown sugar is dissolved first into the water. The sugar solution is then fed into a colloidal system containing activated carbon.

Activated carbon will absorb impurities in the form of dirt or dyestuff so that the sugar will change color to white.

Wastewater Treatment Plant
Factory smoke is a pollutant for the environment. Pollutants contain harmful chemicals that can interfere with human health and ecosystems around the plant. To overcome this, a Cottrell-based machine is used.

Hazardous chemicals in smoke are colloidal particles. These colloidal particles can be precipitated by draining them on a Cottrell machine. Cottrell machines have metal plates that charge opposite to the charge of colloidal particles in the smoke.

As a result, the colloid particles are attracted to the metal plate and become uncharged. When it has no charge, the colloidal particles will settle and can be separated. The acid is thrown out after going through the clean Cottrell engine from the pollutants.

Fabric Coloring
The process of dyeing fabrics in the textile industry uses a colloidal system. The dye will not be absorbed perfectly by the fabric if its absorption is low. To increase its absorbency, the fabric is first dipped in a solution of Al2 (SO4) 3 salt.

Then just dip in the dye. When immersed in the dye, Al2 (SO4) 3 will turn into Al (OH) 3 colloids which can increase the absorption of the fabric.

Purifying Water
The cloudy water is caused by the dispersion of mud particles in the water. These mud particles are colloids that are negatively charged and can be deposited.

Precipitation is done by adding alum or PAC solution (Poly Aluminum Chloride). Both of the above compounds can form a positive Al (OH) 3 colloid.

Colloid Al (OH) 3 will neutralize the negative charge of mud particles so that it settles at the bottom.
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